System wide profile.  All variables set here may be overridden by a user's personal .profile file in their $HOME directory. 
However, all commands here will be executed at login regardless.

#Extended history
alias history='fc -lt'


export HOSTNAME=$(hostname)
export PWD=$(pwd)
export PS1="`whoami`@`hostname`: "'$PWD'" # "
export ENV=/.kshrc        <--ENV variable specifies which script (.kshrc) to be invoked every time a new shell is created

set -o vi

stty erase ^?

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin

cat /etc/list
~/settitle "`hostname`"

alias mc=/usr/local/mc-4.6.0-AIX/bin/mc
alias nmon=/usr/local/nmon/nmon

#Additional Info
red=$(echo "\033[31m")
normal=$(echo "\033[00m")
export red normal

# Cluster check
lssrc -g cluster >/dev/null
if [ `echo $?` -eq 0 ]
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "           ${red}WARNING!!! This is a HACMP cluster node!"${normal}
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "The Resource Group(s) are in the following state:"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"

PS1 color settings:
If I want 'hostname' with other color in my PS1 (#export PS1="`whoami`@`hostname`: "'$PWD'" # ")

add before `hostname`: ^[[01;32m        <-it will set to green the color
                                       (in vi insert mode ctrl+v will make "^" and after that hit 'esc' it will do the first "[")
                                       (second "[" is a normal bracket)
add after `hostname`: ^[[0m            <-it will set back to original color (same keys as above)

After modification logout is necessary in order the changes take effect.

This file (by default, but it can be overwritten in .profile ($ENV)) will be invoked every time a new shell is created. It is useful to define aliases in this file.

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