root@aix41: /mnt/LinuxToolbox_2007_11/RPMS/ppc # ls -l screen*
-rw-r--r--   1 root     sys          282095 Jul 28 21:46 screen-3.9.10-2.aix4.3.ppc.rpm

(check, you have enough free space in /opt, the tool needs about 0,5MB)

 # rpm -Uv screen-3.9.10-2.aix4.3.ppc.rpm


Resume session after lost connection:

screen                                    <--starting screen session (push space or enter to agree the licence)
start a long running process
ctrl-a + d                                <--this will detach your screen seesion (you can logout, but processes are still running)
screen -list                              <--lists the opened screen sessions
root@aix31: / # screen -list
There is a screen on:
           479332.pts-0.aix31   (Detached)        <--if you see detached: screen -r will resume earlier session and that's it.   
1 Socket in /tmp/screens/S-root

screen -r                                         <--it will continue the detached session

if there are more detached session, you have to spceify which session to continue:
screen -r 479332.pts-0.aix31                      <--it will continue the detached session

if you see attached:
root@aix31: / # screen -list
There is a screen on:
         479332.pts-0.aix31   (Attached)          <--if you see attached first it should be detached then screen -r
1 Socket in /tmp/screens/S-root.

screen -D or screen -D 479332.pts-0.aix31         <--this will detach the screen

Seeing the same session:

1. screen          starts using this utility (push space or enter to agree the licence)
2. login in another window (putty)
3. screen -x       attaching to the already opened screen (with this you can see the same session)
4. exit            terminating from screen (you will see this:screen is terminating)


  1. thanks for this article.....
    I have a question, is there a way to enable the scroll while we are using screen???

  2. Good day, Do you share me the dependencies for install screen? because only the rpm doesn't work, thanks for your help
