POWER - Install, Config

After the server arrived to the datacenter (or serverroom) and it has been put into the rack, the next step is to connect to the HMC, so we can do configuration tasks on this POWER machine from the HMC.

If the server is not powered on, plug it into the power source. Wait for the control panel to display 01 (a series of progress codes are shown before 01 appears). The system is powered on if the light on the control panel is green. (To view the control panel, press the blue switch to the left, then pull out the control panel all the way, and then pull it down.)

!!! If you will not use HMC, do not connect Ethernet cables to HMC1 or HMC2 ports as the default IP adress of the service processor could be overwirtten!!!
(more details about this in ASMI page)

1. Cabling the service processor to the HMC
If you will use this server with HMC then cabling is needed between HMC and the service processor (HMC1 or HMC2 ports on the server).

This is a private network between the HMC and the server (blue line), and a small non-routed VLAN should be enough.

The service processor's Ethernet ports (HMC1 and HMC2) are configured for DHCP by default. If the service processor is attached to a live Ethernet network equipped with a DHCP server and the service processor is turned on (the server is powered on), an IP address is assigned and the default IP address of the service processor is no longer valid. HMC has the capability to behave as a DHCP server. If we configure network ranges on HMC for DHCP, an IP address from that network will be assigned to the service processor, when a cable is plugged in to one of the HMC ports.

The HMC uses an SSL connection with port 30000 and 30001 of the service processor’s Ethernet port.

2. Adding server as a Managed System in HMC
If cabling is completed we can add this server as a Managed System in HMC. Choose "Connect Systems"

Add IP or an IP range and when the server is found it can be added to HMC.

If you do not choose password at that time, authentication will pending on pw change, so HMC connection pw, ASM general pw and ASM admin pw need to be set.

After that connection should be OK, while server is in Powered Off state

3. Configuring Managed System in HMC

By default there is a Service partition on the system with a preinstalled AIX, which can be used to check adapters, devices, WWPNs ... if needed. If Service Partition is not needed anymore,  we can setup server for real use.

These are being configured:
- Change server name
- Change Service partition to Unassigned (maybe server needs to be in standby state)
- Allow Migration with Inactive Source Storage VIOS
- Make sure Power-On side is on Temporary (otherwise concurrent firmware update is not possible later)
- Do Firmware upgrade if needed

Some tasks can be done while system is in Power Off state, some tasks can be done after Power On, while system is in standby state.

After that we can start with VIOS creation, installation ...


The open failed.
The session is reserved for physical serial port communication.

It is caused by the server is still in Manufacturing Default Configuration (MDC) mode.

Make sure server is in standby state, then when activating the default LPAR choose exit the MDC:
1. Power off managed system:
2. Partition start policy:  change from auto start --> User-Initiated
3. Power on:  it will go to standby state
4. Partition: Activate Profile --> choose "exit MDC"


HSCL3396 Failed to delete the partition with ID 1 since it is the service partition

Service partition cannot be deleted until it is configured to be as a Service Partition.
In the Properties of the Managed System, Service partition should be "Unassigned".


Finding FSP IP using the front panel:

The Operator panel has three blue buttons, the outer ones are up/down and the middle one is "enter".
To change from menu 01 to menu 02, press the up button and then the middle one.

Operator Panel menu 02, change N(normal) to M(Manual) - to do that, press the enter button until the cursor > moves next to the N character. Then press up, then press enter again until you get back to 02.

When you use the "up" button, you will see more menu items, keep pressing up until 30. Select option #30 and press enter. You should see "30**" on the screen, and if you press enter again it goes to “3000”.
(3000 represents eth0 and 3001 eth1 of the FSP) Press enter again, and the IP address of the ASMI should be presented on the Control Panel display.

Operator Panel menu 02, change M back to N(Normal)
WARNING It is very important to return this mode back to N(Normal)
Operator panel 01, press enter. To return the display to its normal condition.


Reconnect a managed system to the HMC:

If your managed system is connected to the HMC, and you disconnect it, before reconnecting it, clear the connection history
on the HMC:
# mksysconn -o auto

If you reconnect the managed system to the HMC without first using this command, HMC will not recognize the Managed System.



  1. hi admin,
    thanks for your sharing experience,
    could you tell me how many managed servers which can be managed by HMC server?


    1. A HMC can manage upto 48 (Managed) non 590-595 servers and 32 590/595 server

  2. Hi Admin,

    Could you please tell me how many maximum LPARs can be supported by a single HMC.

  3. Hi,

    I am facing some issue during installation of V7R7.7.0. At the end of first disc installation, it prompts " please insert disk version 7 disk 1 " ? What does that means?


  4. Hi Admin,

    in point 7, you tell there is a user hmcaccess

    when i connect to ASMI as admin, i can only change password for user HMC, hmcaccess does not exists.

    and so, i can't connect to ASMI with the user HMC, even if i change his password
    I have tried also with user hmcaccess, but the result is the same, i can't connect
    Have you an idea, thanks

  5. Hi Belaz, Can you tell me if this following command (# mksysconn -o auto) will anyway interrupt the existing system already in the managed system. I need to connect a 710 machine in the existing HMC after disconnecting it from a different H

  6. I meant to say "already in the HMC"

  7. i just wondering can we power on single lpar using asmi ascii mode when the hardware already move to another site that didn't have a hmc?
