oslevel shows the actual BOS level
oslevel -r shows the TL level (or earlier ML)
oslevel -s shows what SP level installed
oslevel -sg 5300-09-01-0847 shows which fileset is greater than the given service pack (it is used with bos.rte.install)
oslevel -rl 5300-10 shows which filesets are below the given TL level (TL level is from instfix -i | grep ML)
oslevel -sl 53-09-020849 shows which filesets are below the given servicepack (used after bos.rte.install has been updated)
bffcreate -ld <dir> shows info about the packages in a dir (I:install, U:updatte package)
bffcreate -c -d /bb1 it will change the bff name from U#### to normal fileset name in bb1 !!!overwrites original bff!!!
export INST_DEBUG=yes setting up debug mode prior install/geninstall/nimadm operation, provides useful info of the failure
installp installs and maintainins LPP packages
-a (apply)
-c (commit)
-p (preview)
-g (apply prerequisites)
-X (expand file systems, if needed)
-Y (accept license agreements)
-d (device or directory location of software)
-q (quiet mode)
installp -apgXYd . bos.rte.install preview install of given fileset from current (.) location
installp -agXYd /home/bb all installs all fileset from given location
installp -aF -d /home/bb all force install all filesets from given location
installp -c all commit all applied filesets
installp -C remove all files which were installed in failed state
installp -ld /dev/cd0 list what installable software is available on a device (cd rom)
installp -ld <file.bff> lists what filesets are in the given bff file
installp -u <fileset> removes a fileset (installp -ug <fileset> <--it will remove dependencies as well)
installp -upg X11* preview remove all X11 related software and prerequisistes
geninstall generic installer that installs software of various package formats: LPP, RPM etc.
-I (use installp flags)
-p (preview)
-d (device or directory location of software)
geninstall -I "-acgXY" -p -d /home/bb all preview install for all files in given location (using installp format)
geninstall -I "-acgXY" -d . bos.rte.install install a fileset from current (.) location (using installp format)
install_all_updates -cYd . actually does the update
/var/adm/ras/install_all_updates.log here is the logfile of install_all_updates
instfix -i|grep ML (instfix -i|grep TL) shows whether all filesets are installed
instfix -i | grep SP
instfix -icqk 5300-05_AIX_ML| grep ":-:" shows missing software levels
instfix -ik IY24043 shows if a fix (APAR) is installed on the system (instfix -ivk ... <--verbose mode)
instfix -k IY73748 -d /dev/cd0 install APAR iY733748 from /dev/cd0
lslpp -L displays info about all installed filesets or fileset updates
lslpp -L <fileset> displays info about that fileset
lslpp -h <fileset> shows the history of the fileset
lslpp -l | grep <fileset> shows if it is installed or not
lslpp -lc| grep <fileset> shows the state (Aplp., Comm., Broken..) in /etc/objrepos and in /usr/lib/objrepos of a fileset
lslpp -f <fileset> shows all files that are installed with a particular fileset
lslpp -w /usr/local/bin/lsof shows the fileset which contains the given file (binary) (which command shows full path: which lsof)
lslpp -p <fileset> shows requisite information for a specified fileset (-p means possibly prerequisite)
lslpp -d <fileset> shows filesets that are dependents on the specified fileset
lppchk -v verify the installed software is in consistent state
lppchk -v -m3 if lppchk -v gives an error, with this we can get more info about it
lppchk -c -m3 makes a checksum on the filesets as well
smitty install software installation and maintenance menu
smitty update_all update installed software to latest level
smitty remove removing installed software
smitty reject removes applied filesets
smitty commit commits softwares
smitty software_maintain many functions like reject, commit...
restore -Tqvf EMCpower_install show which files will be changed by the fileset
/usr/lpp/PackageName here are the previous version of the updates which are in applied state (not commited yet)
inutoc <path> creates a .toc file in the given path
ldd /root/gzip lists the path names of all dependencies (lists dynamic dependencies)
which_fileset <command> searches the /usr/lpp/bos/AIX_file_list file for a specified file name or command
/usr/lib/instl/lppmgr -d /nim/5304 -rub the directory will be checked and all duplicate filesets will be removed
(-r: remove, -u:check update filesets, -b: check base level filesets)
multibos http://www.ibmsystemsmag.com/aix/aprilmay08/tipstechniques/20226p1.aspx
1. instfix -i | grep ML
All filesets for were found.
All filesets for 5300-01_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5300-04_AIX_ML were found.
Not all filesets for 5300-05_AIX_ML were found.
2. instfix -vick 5300-05_AIX_ML | grep :-:
(instfix -icqk 5300-05_AIX_ML | grep ":-:" <--this command was used in the NIM redbook)
5300-05_AIX_ML:X11.adt.motif: 5300-05 Update <-- shows what is missing
3.lslpp -L X11.adt.motif <-- shows if it is installed and what is the current version
Fileset Level State Type Description (Uninstaller)
X11.adt.motif C F AIXwindows Application
Development Toolkit Motif
4. if we have found it in a dir: installp -l -d .
Fileset Name Level I/U Q Content
X11.adt.motif S N usr <--shows if reboot needed after install (N= not affected, no reboot)
(Y and B: it affects the currently running programs)
(B and b: causes bosboot to occur + reboot is needed)
5. smitty update_all (or smitty install)
6. now it is OK: instfix -i | grep ML
All filesets for were found.
All filesets for 5300-01_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5300-04_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5300-05_AIX_ML were found.
lppchk -v shows problems with a fileset and you don't want to remove it:
devices.common.IBM.iscsi.rte (not installed; requisite fileset)
1. save ODM
tar -cvf /tmp/odm.etc.tar /etc/objrepos
tar -cvf /tmp/odm.usr.lib.tar /usr/lib/objrepos
2. check lpp_id
odmget -q name=devices.common.IBM.iscsi.rte lpp
output will show lpp_id:
lpp_id = 355
3. delete from ODM
odmdelete -q name=devices.common.IBM.iscsi.rte -o lpp
odmdelete -q lpp_name=devices.common.IBM.iscsi.rte -o product
odmdelete -q lpp_id="355" -o history
odmdelete -q lpp_id="355" -o inventory
4. reinstall base fileset with force flag (then update)
installp -aF -d /home/bb/bb1 all
whether .toc (inutoc) is mandatory for all kind of fileset installation. without .toc whether the installation of filesets will not happen ?
Yes, without .toc file (table of conntent) AIX will not recognize installable filesets.
This is not the case with AIX 6.1 and 7.1. If you have write access to the directory containing the filesets, SMIT will create the .toc file if it is missing.
I have a strange problem, friends.
I am unable to delete the AIX command history on a server that runs AIX 7.1 (oslevel -s => 7100-01-04-1216)
did the usual > /.sh_history & and echo " " > /.sh_history, to zero out the contents, but it didn't help.
pls help.
Did you check the content of the file .sh_history after delete? (If it is cleared it should not show you command history)
Yes I did.
I did a cat /.sh_history and it did show me only the "cat /.sh_history" inside it.
also did an ls -la /.sh_history and the size was just a few bytes. Saw it increase in size, as I kept typing more commands, but a #history -400 or an Esc+K was able to fetch all the 400 commands when I had just typed 3 or 4 commands since the time I last cleared the contents of the history file.
This is very strange.
Any help will be much appreciated.
After logout /login was the same?
yes. was the same, after a logout and a re-login.
Was also the same, after a # shutdown -Fr.
I think i have found it :) The problem is with the "/".
You wrote "> /.sh_history", but I guess your home dir is not "/" (probably it is /root).
You should try to clear the .sh_history file in your home dir (for example: "> /root/.sh_history")
AIX does not create a /root as the root user's home directory. It's always a /.
I've always been clearing histories, for more than 6 years now. This symptom is clearing getting me frustrated. pls help.
Hello, if you use /root as a home dir, then you can keep / filesystem clean, so your files will not be mixed up with other system files. In our environment we use /root for root home dir and I know many other sysadmin doing the same way.
I think you should run a find command on your full system to search for sh_history files, probably you will find another one, where your commands are logged.
Your website is amazing. Preparing for the AIX 7 certification. What version of AIX are you using in your environment?
I asking because I see that the AIX 7.1 Differences Guide is 400+ pages, meaning there is a lot of new stuff when comparing it to 6.x or 5.x
We are still using mostly 6.1 and only a few 7.1. I'm not the decision maker at our company about AIX levels, and it depends on the applications as well, if they can run on 7.1 or not.
I am trying to update my VIO server from to then to So I ran updateio command and which completed successfully and when i do ioslevel can it shows but when I ran lppchk -v It's showing some inconsistent filesets. I checked the log and it shows the following error, even the .toc file is inplace.
0503-466 installp: The build date requisite check failed for fileset bos.rte.security.
Installed fileset build date is 1015. Selected fileset does not have a build date, but one is required.
0503-466 installp: The build date requisite check failed for fileset bos.rte.security.
Installed fileset build date is 1043. Selected fileset does not have a build date, but one is required.
installp: Installation failed due to BUILDDATE requisite failure.
Can you please help.
2 things came to my mind:
1. remove .toc file and create a new one with command inutoc (as root) in the install directory. Then try again updateios.
2. Remove problematic fileset, check oslevel and install missing requirements step by step
If ioslevel output is correct, it means all filesets for correct VIO server functionality are installed, but I would also try to fix this missing fileset problem. There is a known issue with (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg400000800). If you check at the and of this link, it will list some filesets which requisites are failed to install, but it can be ignored. So what we do, we don't bother with missing filesets at and if ioslevel is correct, we update VIO server to and only after that we correct missing fileset problems. (This is our approach, but I don't remember we had this specific issue what you had.)
(A good backup scenario is also needed before trying to correct these things.)
Hope this helps,
Thanks again for your reply!
Below are the filsets I see after running lppchk -v. Not sure how to make these filesets consistent/reinstall. BTW I tried to run 2213 updates form new source and created new .toc.
# lppchk -v
bos.rte.security (usr: COMMITTED, root: not installed)
bos.rte.shell (not installed; requisite fileset)
bos.sysmgt.serv_aid (not installed; requisite fileset)
bos.sysmgt.trace (not installed; requisite fileset)
bos.sysmgt.trace (not installed; requisite fileset)
# lslpp -L | grep bos.rte.security
bos.rte.security ? F Base Security Function
# lslpp -L | grep bos.sysmgt
bos.sysmgt.loginlic C F License Management
bos.sysmgt.nim.client C F Network Install Manager -
bos.sysmgt.quota C F Filesystem Quota Commands
bos.sysmgt.serv_aid C F Software Error Logging and
bos.sysmgt.smit C F System Management Interface
bos.sysmgt.sysbr C F System Backup and BOS Install
bos.sysmgt.trace C F Software Trace Service Aids
Hi admin,
Thanks for the excellent document it is very helpful, need to know we can perform multibos migration?
Thanks & Regards
Hi, info about multibos can be found here: http://aix4admins.blogspot.hu/2011/09/by-default-bos-filesystems-in-rootvg.html
You can get more details by running "lppchk -v -m3". I would probably try to re-install them 1 by 1. First remove problematic fileset then install it, and do it for the others as well. If removing does not work you can clean up fileset from the ODM (see "FIXING FILESETS in ODM", a little above), but if you make something wrong you can mess up the whole ODM.
Usually, if I am not sure what to do, I am opening an IBM call, I would suggest this to you as well...
You can force the re-install. We ran into the same issue and forced the re-install.
installp -F -ac -d /source_of_filesets/installp/ppc bos.rte.security
Here i can find all box packages? and what is bos file? anyone please help
I upgraded the tl 05 to tl06.but it is showing old version.give me the prerequisites all
its urgent can u tell me how to copy a specific fileset from CD into a directory??
how can I check of a installed ifix with instfix command?
Please reply
During your active session, .sh_history will be an open file. As the previous poster said, you need to logout and log back in to see that your command history has been deleted.
Your home will be ~root and will also be stored in $HOME. Unless you are doing a sudo or a su (without the "-"), the only .sh_history you will need to deal with will be the on in ~root.
The old biggies (AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, Digital UNIX, etc) put root's home in /. I had not seen it put in /root until LINUX.
If you are going to be an SA, you need to get used to knowing where you are and what you are doing as root. Otherwise, you might destroy your system.
If you have a multi-user system and remove all of the .sh_history files that a find as root will show, you will have some irritated users.
Hi...Gyz who one interested for online Aix server remote for training purpose.so please contact me (mr.ravi751@gmail.com)and get more details.
does it have to be a mountpoint to stage the patch? or any path will work?
you shouldn't delete history
Can I revert back to previous version of TL by rejecting the Apllied filesets of newer version ?
Hi, rejecting the applied filesets works for few filesets, but in a TL there are so many filesets, so it is not recommended to do that.
how to check aix version is licensed or not?
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