Welcome to AIX for System Administrator!
This blog is intended for anyone who is working with AIX and encountered problems and looking for fast solutions or just want to study about AIX. This is not a usual blog, it is not updated every day. I tried to organize AIX related subjects into several topics, and when I find new info/solutions/interesting stuff I will add it to its topic. You can read here about many things of the world of AIX. (NIM, Storage, Network, VIO, PowerHA, HMC, Performance Tuning...)
The structure of each subject is very similar. First I try to give a general overview about a topic with the most important terms and definitions. This is followed by some important/useful commands, what are probably needed for everyday work. At the end, there are some common situations with solutions which could come up during the daily work of an administrator.
I tried to keep it as simple as possible, so without any further instructions you should be able to navigate through this site very easily.
All of these materials have been gathered by me through my experience, IBM Redbooks, forums and other internet sources. It means not all of them is written by me! If I find an interesting data and I think it is valuable, I publish it on this blog. (Basically this blog is my personal viewpoint about AIX related stuff, and it is not an official IBM site.) Most of the things have been tested successfully but it can occur that you encounter typos, missing steps and erroneous data (I cannot guarantee everything works perfectly), so please look and think before you act.
As I noted above many things have been written by others and where it is possible I try to to list the sources, but to maintain the simple structure of this blog, I'll name persons, whose solutions, suggestions, ideas can be found many times on this blog (or his contribution was very valuable), here in one place.
I would like to say THANK YOU! to
the writers of the IBM Redbooks -- for many many information! (http://www.redbooks.ibm.com)
Nigel Griffiths -- for performance and PowerVM related stuff (https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mydeveloperworks/blogs/aixpert/?lang=en)
Chris Gibson -- for NIM and other AIX related things (https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mydeveloperworks/blogs/cgaix/?lang=en)
Waldemar Mark Duszyk -- for many AIX hints (http://www.wmduszyk.com)
"Aixmind" -- for many useful AIX solutions (http://www.aixmind.com)
Anthony English --for good AIX descriptions (https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mydeveloperworks/blogs/AIXDownUnder/?lang=en)
Rob McNelly -- for many useful info in the field of AIX (http://ibmsystemsmag.blogs.com/aixchange)
Earl Jew -- for performance instructions
Pat O'Rourke -- for VUG sessions
Jakub Wojtysiak -- for kdb tips
Neeraj Bhatia -- for L2 cache and capacity info (http://neerajbhatia.wordpress.com)
Balazs Szokolai -- for WWPN number change on NPIV adapers
Robert Waarde -- for solving drop down menu issue in IE (http://nullmailer-install-daemonize.bitbucket.org)
Brian Smith -- for VIO/HMC one liners (https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/brian/?lang=en)
Rajalakshmi Srinivasaraghavan -- for time zone info (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-aix-posix/index.html)
Marcel Mages-Veidt -- for many useful hints and descriptions
Tamer Gomaa -- for hints and ideas regarding new server installations
Ondrej Plachy -- for support on new server builds/TSM config/fcstat command details
Jonny -- for Devops/Pupper/PowerVC helps (https://zeit-fuer-die-insel.blogspot.com/)
...and many other forum contributors!
I hope you will find this site helpful for your work!
P.S. #1: One additional note, which I am very proud of:
This site has been chosen to the top "100 Leading IT Sites to Watch in 2013". (http://
P.S. #2: Another additional note, which I am even more proud of:
Contributions to IBM Power community has been acknowledged in 2016 by an award: IBM Champion.(http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/champion/)
aix4adm at gmail dot com
Nice blog............
Good Job!
Thank You guys :)
Very good and usefull job, thanks.
welcome :)
you are doing a great job! keep the good work up..thank you
let the Sun shine on you:
MarkD:-) (Waldemar Mark Duszyk)
You made my day...really :)
Man perfect job !!! This one is one of the best AIX howto's ever seen! Congratulations !!! and thank you very much for this tutorial, blog, first-aid(aiX)-survival-kit .. - The swiss knife for admins !!!
Thanks a lot Lemmy! These kind of feedback show, that it is worth the amount of work I did on this blog :)
I am Unix administrator no clue about AIX. This site is all i need to do my job on AIX servers. Really appreciate your hard work to keep things up to date.
Hi Raj, thanks for these great words!
I am working with AIX daily and doing expert level duties, but as anyone else can't keep every single command or rarely used theory in my mind. This blog is extremely helpful to remind some things quickly , as well find some new interesting ideas.
I am very appreciative to you for building such constructive and topical blog! Thanks for keeping it alive and continuously improves! ;)
With kind regards,
Hi Andy,
thanks for these good words, and what you wrote is the original purpose behind this blog :)
(I can't keep every small details in my head as well, but when I have to solve a problem, I hate to waste my time to find again my earlier solutions... that's why I'm using this blog.)
Truly a good site for AIX admins!
Thanks much for your work and time!
Great site! Well-organized! Handy!
Thank you!
I never seen this type of blogs in google. Really great work. including me many of them depending on this site.
Thank you very much.....
Hi, all of these kind of comments are causing me good feelings....so thank you! :)
This is very good site for AIX admins. It is very helpful.
Can you please include content related to what is LPAR, WPAR, APAR also.
Can you please give a flow for the aix freshers to learn aix from very basic with the above topic and if anything to be included.
Please include the priliminary steps once AIX machine is installed and boooted for first time.
I hope if you add these we don't want switch to any of the other sites to learn as well as refer.
Thanks in advance.
I try my best...thanks.
Very good and useful job, thanks
thx :)
Excellent Stuff....great job.....
Happy to hear that :)
Hi, can u post or add details about SSH-key based (password less)authentication.
Hi, it is under network -> ssh section (http://aix4admins.blogspot.hu/2011/08/ssh-secure-shell-etcsshsshdconfig-at.html)
Yeah, Thx man... i got it....
Balazs, I have been doing AIX etc for years and this is one of THE best sources of info I have found. It is clear that you have put so much work into this site and its MUCH appreciated. The world is a better place because of people like you! Thanks!!
I can't find the words, how much your comment touched me :) Thanks for these good words...I try to live up to it :)
It is very helpful website, thanks a lot!!!
welcome :)
Thank you from Argentina, the best AIX website for the sysadmin !! Thanks again !!
I'm happy to hear that...greetings to Argentina :)
Great blog with precious informations.
Greeting from FRANCE.
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot.. and I wish lots of success for AIX Admins in FRANCE :)
Thanks a lot from India...bcoz No one can put his effort like you to share your knowledge ...what a great person you are and this shows how much you love aix .
God may grant all your wishes
Hi DD, thanks for your acknowledgement, I'm happy that you like this blog...and I send my greetings to all the AIX admins in India :)
Hello...Really appreciate this blog, very useful even for who doesn't know AIX, Myself learnt more from this blog.. Thanks a lot :-)
Hi Sri, thanks for your feedback :-)
I am a HP-UX Admin, learning AIX. This blog really helps from no wise to experts in same way. Thanks alot for sharing your knowledge with us. God bless you !
Can u plz add contents regarding LIVE MOBILITY PARTITION. Its a best feature that IBM has, it would be better if we have some knowledge on it. Thx in Advance.
Yes, I'm working on it.
This site is very usefull for AIX guys.Thank you very much!!!!!!!!
Dear Balazs, very helpful site, A few days ago, I passed the exam. for aix 7 system administrator, thanks.
Greetings from argentina. Sergio
Dear Sergio, Congartulations!!! I send my greetings to every AIX Administratot in Argentina :-)
thank you... hope v c ur docs/pages regarding it soon!!!
How do i follow your blog
I haven't think about it yet...as it is not a usual blog. (Sometimes I just update 1 command, or delete a line....) I'll keep in mind to find a way.
Great work on a top blog - keep up the good work!
thanks... :-)
Very very good blog, very helpful ....
good job you are the best
really a good blog..
i agree with this guy
Hi admin,
This is one the best blog i have ever seen , could you please upload some documents regarding LPM (Live Partition Mobility) pls let me know once you upload the document.
Thanks & Regards
Hopefully in 2-3 weeks I'll update LPM section on this blog.
Hi Bro..........
Your Blog is excellent one ... Great Job..
Can you help us in covering GPFS also. Thank You !
Thanks Bro , for your response regarding LPM
Thanks & Regards
Hi, we don't have systems with GPFS...if we will have systems with GPFS I can do some tests then I'll publish some descriptions.
Hi Abdul,
some info about LPM can be found here: http://aix4admins.blogspot.com/2013/04/live-partition-mobility-live-partition.html
Hi admin,
Thank you very much
Hi Admin,
Really this blog should be top all above , the content is very useful for aix admins
waiting :(
@ aix4adm@gmail.com
I reviewed your blog many times...for reference. but didn't wrote any comment...forgot
You are really awesome...........it is VERY useful blog/site. Please continue to share your knowledge and answer users questions. (Keep up the good work)
All the best!
Thanks! :-)
Yep DD!
you're absolutely correct. This blog owner/AIX Admin is doing a great job. which i can not express in my words. it really helped me a lot. Many people has knowledge. BUT only very few people share it. God bless you :)
Please keep up the good work.
- Mahijeeth
that is TRUE....Our AIX admin is great!
- Mahijeeth
unbelievable stuff
Greetings hard worker!
You really deserve to be in the "100 Leading IT Sites to Watch in 2013".
I am not an AIX but an VMS guy but we have some AIX machines.
Very helpfull.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks :-)
Koodos to you great Guru!!!
Your blog is very helpful. It inspires me to share my notes as well.
But I have just started and have only a couple of post for aix now.
I hope this can add!
Thank you and more Power!
looks good :)
Hi AIX Guru,
Your blog is wonderfull
Could you also please share any information on VCS and GPFS
Hi, if I'll have a system with GPFS I'll write about that one as well...right now there aren't any....
your blog is excellent :)
its so simplified and easy to understand.
keep up the good work!! :)
Its very very useful blog which covered most of the topics ...Excellent work:)
I am preparing my self for AIX administrator interview.
I need your guidance to crack the interview. I have undergone a training of Basic AIX, LPAR, HMC, VIO
I want to know the answer of basic questions
Please provide me answers of below questions.
Q how many CPU, memory and disk can be available in power 5, 6 and 7 series with oracle data base of 200 GB?
Recomended CPU (processor) Memory Disk HMC versions
Power5 ? ? ? ?
Power6 ? ? ? ?
Power7 ? ? ? ?
Q. what are the steps of migration from AIX 5.3 to 6.3?
Q what are the difference between TL (technology level) and ML (maintance level)?
Thanks in advance for sharing above information.
Hi, for CPU and Memory questions please use Google. Steps of migrations can be found in NIM -> NIMADM section. TL and ML are the same, earlier it was called ML, and after some time IBM decided to call it TL.
through out may AIX career the one and only blog who acts as my mentor.. heart full thanks to the creator..
nice feedback...thanks :-)
Hi Admin,
I am working as AIX Admin , My question as follows.
1,What is cloud computing and its uses ?
2,How cloud computing is used in IBM powersystem and Implementing IBM Cloud on Power Systems ,
3,What is IBM SmartCloud Enterprise and SmartCloud Enterprise+ ?
4,Suggest me some good blog or website or material to learn more about IBM cloud?
5,How Cloud is used in AIX Environment?and also update cloud content in this blog!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks & Regards
Hi Aix Guru,
Congratulations for the award , you are 100% eligible to get that... indirectly you became a job provider in aix for many people...
Keep up the good work man
Thanks a lot for your feedback :-)
I have gone through your blog for an hour... amazing on your good works and efforts.....
Thanks a lot...
It would be appreciable, if you can start a topic about GPFS and Pureflex
Hi, thanks for your feedback, as soon we will have systems with GPFS or Pureflex, I'll write about those.
It is a great site. Thank you
Excellent blog!
If you would charge money for this blog, you could earn millions for the subscription fee, I visit your blog every day, the answer I got from your site would take me long time to find it elsewhere , you just put together everything at one place , AWESOME
if i were you,would've made it paid site....again what makes you great is,still you have same enthusiasm as you used to have in beginning ...hats off
Hi, to be honest, I tried to register with AdSense 2 years ago, but this site was rejected (probably because I changed a lot on the Blog template.), but I think it is more professional this way.
Reading your blog daily is becoming my habbit.
Thanks for such a informative blog.
I'm happy to hear that :)
Merci, j'ai mis votre site dans mes favoris avec pour nom Bible AIX :)
greetings to French AIX admins :)
When ever I have any aix question I will open this website which is in my favorites list and make search.
Longlive aix4admins
thanks man :)
We run 2 different Terminal Emulation programs. After a recent power outage, neither program likes the AIX server anymore and aren't on speaking terms. Working on the server itself is fine. Any suggestions? Keep in mind, I have no clue what to look for since what I know about AIX is zero.
This is a great blog , BTW, even though I have no clue what 98% of the info means...
Beautifully designed site, and a -LOT- of clearly written, useful information. Love it!
I would LOVE to have this site as a PDF file, to take it with me as an AIX reference book!
Thanks...I think about that
Great blog! You don't know how many times the information you provided here has saved me.
Concise and well-organized.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for you nice feedback :)
Great blog... Well-Done ..Thanks a lot.
excellent blog.
Please keep it up and update new information
This is an awesome blog, thanks for you hard & Smart work, i am using this blog on daily basis, whenever i am running in to any AIX issues, its helping me a lot, thanks a lot for your hard-work, keep doing and keep rocking
God bless Balazs
Dear Sir,
I am running JAVA app on JBOSS in IBM AIX 7. Recently in the JBOSS OS user's home directory mutiple files with similar name like "virt-1711847887_-2087162859" are auto created. WHY this file is auto generated by OS? Is there any OS error?How to read this type of files and how to disable these files' auto generation ?
need help oslevel output is showing downgraded from 6100-06-09-1228 version to 6100-03-10-1119 after tsm upgrade from to it shows xlsmp.rte , xlsmp.msg.en_US.rte ,xlsmp.aix53.rte needs to be updated , i tried to download patches from ibm fix central but unable to download. send me the analysis on my gmail account suri.kumar452@gmail.com
Just wanted to send my thank you to this blog. It saved me from having to comb out google and paper docs just to find a single command or option. Been doing AIX for almost a decade now and I still rely on this site for quick fixes, or something that needs validation before hitting the terminal
Thanks eikkin :) Actually I do the same, if I have doubts I check things here fast before I do something :)
This is one the best blog site available for AIX admins, I have learned a lot from this site I'd like to convert this blog into book and keep handy for reference.
Thanks for the feedback. If I will have some time, maybe I will create a pdf from this blog.
assign -rw-rw-r-- (664) permission to all the incoming files in the folder "/opt/mw/axway/EAI/data/A001214AXAPTA/payables/pubin"
for AIX Machine
assign -rw-rw-r-- (664) permission to all the incoming files in the folder "/opt/mw/axway/EAI/data/A001214AXAPTA/payables/pubin"
for AIX Machine without changing Global umask
Thank you so much for writing this blog. very informative.
Thx :)
good job thanks for sharing
why i cant open the link you provided?
Great resource, thanks! Would love to see a section on firewall management using the /usr/bin/*filt commands.
This is such an insightful post! The art of asking the right questions is indeed a crucial skill for administrators, especially when troubleshooting complex issues or collaborating with teams. Your emphasis on clarity, context, and being precise is spot on—it's advice that applies to both technical and non-technical discussions.
I particularly liked your point about considering the perspective of the person being asked. It fosters better communication and quicker resolutions. Do you have any tips or examples of how admins can refine their questioning skills in high-pressure situations?
Thank you for sharing such a thought-provoking piece—it's a great reminder of how important effective communication is in IT!
Epicforce Tech
Need assistance with cloning a AIX host running nginx and db2 . Please advise ?
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